
I think I might be nuts...

You see that pretty picture over there to the right. The one that says A to Z Blogging Challenge? That's what I'm going to do in April, along with getting ready for the farmers market season, writing more articles than ever, finishing the two cookbooks and on and on and on...

I can truly blame it on my friend Marie Anne. She's a Marine and I know she could take me if I didn't join in the festivitatin'. Go see her at Marie Anne's Missives.

Now, for the A to Z Blogging Challenge. Arlee Bird over at Tossing it Out has a grand plan for me. During the month of April, I'm going to post every day except Sunday. Take away those 4 Sundays and I'm left with 26 days. Oh, and there just happen to be 26 letters in the alphabet. I've already got A & B in my head...I even know what to write about for Z.

So, are you going to join in? Don't make me send a Marine after you. She handles an M-16 as good as she handles a crochet hook. Click on the pretty picture and it will take you over to sign up.

1 comment:

  1. I am visiting from the A-Z, and so far it's a lot of fun. I must have just gotten a head start since I'm in Europe though.

    But the twitter hashtag and interaction so far have been great, so I think it will totally be worth the extra work.

    India Drummond


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